# Copyright (C) 2013-2015
# Sean Poyser (seanpoyser@gmail.com)
# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
import xbmc
import os
import re
import urllib
import utils
import sfile
SHOWUNAVAIL = utils.ADDON.getSetting('SHOWUNAVAIL') == 'true'
def getFavourites(file, limit=10000, validate=True, diamondSearch=False, chooser=False):
import xbmcgui
prefix = ''
if not chooser:
prefix = 'HOME:' if xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() == 10000 else ''
xml = ''
if sfile.exists(file):
xml = sfile.read(file)
items = []
faves = re.compile('').findall(xml)
for fave in faves:
fave = fave.replace('"', '&_quot_;')
fave = fave.replace('\'', '"')
fave = utils.unescape(fave)
fave = fave.replace('name=""', '')
try: name = re.compile('name="(.+?)"').findall(fave)[0]
except: name = ''
try: thumb = re.compile('thumb="(.+?)"').findall(fave)[0]
except: thumb = ''
try: cmd = fave.split('>', 1)[-1]
except: cmd = ''
#name = utils.Clean(name.replace( '&_quot_;', '"'))
name = name.replace( '&_quot_;', '"')
thumb = thumb.replace('&_quot_;', '"')
cmd = cmd.replace( '&_quot_;', '"')
add = False
if diamondSearch:
add = isValid(cmd)
elif (SHOWUNAVAIL) or (not validate) or isValid(cmd):
add = True
if add:
cmd = upgradeCmd(cmd)
if cmd.startswith('PlayMedia'):
option = 'mode'
mode = int(favourite.getOption(cmd, option))
win = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()
cmd = updateSFOption(cmd, 'winID', win)
name = resolve(name)
cmd = patch(cmd)
cmd = resolve(cmd)
cmd = prefix + cmd
items.append([name, thumb, cmd])
if len(items) > limit:
return items
return items
def resolve(text):
if '$LOCALIZE' in text:
id = int(re.compile('\$LOCALIZE\[(.+?)\]').search(text).group(1))
text = text.replace('$LOCALIZE[%d]' % id, xbmc.getLocalizedString(id))
return resolve(text)
if '$INFO' in text:
str = re.compile('\$INFO\[(.+?)\]').search(text).group(1)
text = text.replace('$INFO[%s]' % str, xbmc.getInfoLabel(str))
return resolve(text)
return text
def patch(cmd):
cmd = cmd.replace('",return', 'SF_PATCHING1')
cmd = cmd.replace('",return', 'SF_PATCHING2')
cmd = cmd.replace(',return', '')
cmd = cmd.replace('SF_PATCHING1' , '",return')
cmd = cmd.replace('SF_PATCHING2' , '",return')
return cmd
def upgradeCmd(cmd):
fanart = _getFanart(cmd)
winID = _getWinID(cmd)
cmd = _removeFanart(cmd)
cmd = _removeWinID(cmd)
options = {}
if fanart:
options['fanart'] = fanart
if winID > -1:
options['winID'] = winID
if len(options) > 0:
cmd = updateSFOptions(cmd, options)
return cmd
def writeFavourites(file, faves):
kodiFile = os.path.join('special://profile', utils.FILENAME)
isKodi = xbmc.translatePath(file) == xbmc.translatePath(kodiFile)
f = sfile.file(file, 'w')
for fave in faves:
name = utils.escape(fave[0])
thumb = utils.escape(fave[1])
cmd = utils.escape(fave[2])
if isKodi and cmd.lower().startswith('playmedia'):
cmd = removeSFOptions(cmd)
thumb = utils.convertToHome(thumb)
name = 'name="%s" ' % name
thumb = 'thumb="%s">' % thumb
import xbmcgui
try: count = int(xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('diamond_Favourites_Count'))
except: count = 0
xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('diamond_Favourites_Count', str(count+1))
def tidy(cmd):
cmd = cmd.replace('"', '')
cmd = cmd.replace('&', '&')
cmd = removeSFOptions(cmd)
if cmd.startswith('RunScript'):
cmd = cmd.replace('?content_type=', '&content_type=')
cmd = re.sub('/&content_type=(.+?)"\)', '")', cmd)
if cmd.endswith('/")'):
cmd = cmd.replace('/")', '")')
if cmd.endswith(')")'):
cmd = cmd.replace(')")', ')')
return cmd
def isValid(cmd):
if len(cmd) == 0:
return False
cmd = tidy(cmd)
#if 'PlayMedia' in cmd:
if cmd.startswith('PlayMedia'):
return utils.verifyPlayMedia(cmd)
#if 'RunScript' in cmd:
if cmd.startswith('RunScript'):
cmd = re.sub('/&content_type=(.+?)"\)', '")', cmd)
if not utils.verifyScript(cmd):
return False
if 'plugin' in cmd:
if not utils.verifyPlugin(cmd):
return False
return True
def updateFave(file, update):
cmd = update[2]
fave, index, nFaves = findFave(file, cmd)
removeFave(file, cmd)
return insertFave(file, update, index)
def replaceFave(file, update, oldCmd):
fave, index, nFaves = findFave(file, oldCmd)
if index < 0:
return addFave(file, update)
removeFave(file, oldCmd)
return insertFave(file, update, index)
def findFave(file, cmd):
cmd = removeSFOptions(cmd)
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
for idx, fave in enumerate(faves):
if equals(fave[2], cmd):
return fave, idx, len(faves)
search = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(utils.ROOT), 'Search', utils.FILENAME).lower()
if file.lower() != search:
return None, -1, 0
for idx, fave in enumerate(faves):
if '[%SF%]' in fave[2]:
test = fave[2].split('[%SF%]', 1)
if cmd.startswith(test[0]) and cmd.endswith(test[1]):
return fave, idx, len(faves)
if '[%SF+%]' in fave[2]:
test = fave[2].split('[%SF+%]', 1)
if cmd.startswith(test[0]) and cmd.endswith(test[1]):
return fave, idx, len(faves)
return None, -1, 0
def insertFave(file, newFave, index):
copy = []
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
for fave in faves:
if len(copy) == index:
if index >= len(copy):
writeFavourites(file, copy)
return True
def addFave(file, newFave):
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
writeFavourites(file, faves)
return True
def moveFave(src, dst, fave):
if not copyFave(dst, fave):
return False
return removeFave(src, fave[2])
def copyFave(file, original):
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
updated = False
copy = list(original)
copy = removeSFOptions(copy[2])
#if it is already in then just update it
for idx, fave in enumerate(faves):
if equals(removeSFOptions(fave[2]), copy):
updated = True
faves[idx] = original
if not updated:
writeFavourites(file, faves)
return True
def removeFave(file, cmd):
cmd = removeSFOptions(cmd)
copy = []
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
for fave in faves:
if not equals(removeSFOptions(fave[2]), cmd):
if len(copy) == len(faves):
return False
writeFavourites(file, copy)
return True
def _shiftUpIndex(index, max, faves):
index -= 1
if index < 0:
index = max
cmd = faves[index][2]
if isValid(cmd):
return index
return _shiftUpIndex(index, max, faves)
def _shiftDownIndex(index, max, faves):
index += 1
if index > max:
index = 0
cmd = faves[index][2]
if isValid(cmd):
return index
return _shiftDownIndex(index, max, faves)
def shiftFave(file, cmd, up):
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=True)
if len(faves) < 2:
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
fave, index, nFaves = findFave(file, cmd)
max = nFaves - 1
if up:
index = _shiftUpIndex(index, max, faves)
index = _shiftDownIndex(index, max, faves)
removeFave(file, cmd)
return insertFave(file, fave, index)
def renameFave(file, cmd, newName):
copy = []
faves = getFavourites(file, validate=False)
for fave in faves:
if equals(fave[2], cmd):
fave[0] = newName
writeFavourites(file, copy)
return True
def equals(fave, cmd):
fave = fave.strip()
cmd = cmd.strip()
if fave == cmd:
return True
fave = removeSFOptions(fave)
cmd = removeSFOptions(cmd)
if fave == cmd:
return True
if fave == cmd.replace('")', '/")'):
return True
if '[%SF%]' in fave:
test = fave.split('[%SF%]', 1)
if cmd.startswith(test[0]) and cmd.endswith(test[1]):
return True
if '[%SF+%]' in fave:
test = fave.split('[%SF+%]', 1)
if cmd.startswith(test[0]) and cmd.endswith(test[1]):
return True
return False
def addFanart(cmd, fanart):
if len(fanart) < 1:
return cmd
return updateSFOption(cmd, 'fanart', utils.convertToHome(fanart))
def updateSFOption(cmd, option, value):
options = getSFOptions(cmd)
options[option] = value
return updateSFOptions(cmd, options)
def updateSFOptions(cmd, options):
cmd = removeSFOptions(cmd)
if len(options) == 0:
return cmd
hasReturn = False
if cmd.endswith(',return)'):
hasReturn = True
cmd = cmd.replace(',return', '')
if cmd.endswith('")'):
cmd = cmd.rsplit('")', 1)[0]
suffix = '?'
if '?' in cmd:
suffix = '&'
values = ''
for key in options.keys():
value = str(options[key])
if len(value) > 0:
values += '%s=%s&' % (key, value)
if len(values) > 0:
cmd += suffix + 'sf_options=%s_options_sf"' % urllib.quote_plus(values)
cmd += '"'
if hasReturn:
cmd += ',return)'
cmd += ')'
return cmd
def getSFOptions(cmd):
try: options = urllib.unquote_plus(re.compile('sf_options=(.+?)_options_sf').search(cmd).group(1))
except: return {}
params = get_params(options)
return params
def removeSFOptions(cmd):
if 'sf_options=' not in cmd:
return cmd
cmd = cmd.replace('?sf_options=', '&sf_options=')
cmd = re.sub('&sf_options=(.+?)_options_sf"\)', '")', cmd)
cmd = re.sub('&sf_options=(.+?)_options_sf",return\)', '",return)', cmd)
cmd = re.sub('&sf_options=(.+?)_options_sf', '', cmd)
#cmd = cmd.replace('/")', '")')
return cmd
def getFanart(cmd):
return getOption(cmd, 'fanart')
def getOption(cmd, option):
options = getSFOptions(cmd)
try: return options[option]
except: return ''
def get_params(path):
params = {}
#path = path.split('?', 1)[-1]
pairs = path.split('&')
for pair in pairs:
split = pair.split('=')
if len(split) > 1:
#params[split[0]] = urllib.unquote_plus(split[1])
params[split[0]] = split[1]
return params
#used only during upgrade process
def _removeFanart(cmd):
if 'sf_fanart=' not in cmd:
return cmd
cmd = cmd.replace('?sf_fanart=', '&sf_fanart=')
cmd = cmd.replace('&sf_fanart=', '&sf_fanart=X') #in case no fanart
cmd = re.sub('&sf_fanart=(.+?)_"\)', '")', cmd)
cmd = re.sub('&sf_fanart=(.+?)_",return\)', '",return)', cmd)
cmd = re.sub('&sf_fanart=(.+?)_', '', cmd)
cmd = cmd.replace('/")', '")')
return cmd
#used only during upgrade process
def _getFanart(cmd):
cmd = cmd.replace(',return', '')
try: return urllib.unquote_plus(re.compile('sf_fanart=(.+?)_"\)').search(cmd).group(1))
except: pass
cmd = urllib.unquote_plus(cmd)
cmd = cmd.replace(',return', '')
try: return urllib.unquote_plus(re.compile('sf_fanart=(.+?)_"\)').search(cmd).group(1))
except: pass
return ''
#used only during upgrade process
def _removeWinID(cmd):
if 'sf_win_id' not in cmd:
return cmd
cmd = cmd.replace('?sf_win_id=', '&sf_win_id=')
cmd = cmd.replace('&sf_win_id=', '&sf_win_id=X') #in case no win_id
cmd = re.sub('&sf_win_id=(.+?)_"\)', '")', cmd)
return cmd
#used only during upgrade process
def _getWinID(cmd):
if 'sf_win_id' not in cmd:
return -1
try: return int(re.compile('sf_win_id=(.+?)_').search(cmd).group(1))
except: pass
return -1