# # Copyright (C) 2014- # Sean Poyser (seanpoyser@gmail.com) # # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # import xbmc import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import xbmcgui import os import urllib import re import quicknet import player import favourite import history import utils import cache import sfile import parameters ADDONID = utils.ADDONID ADDON = utils.ADDON HOME = utils.HOME ROOT = utils.ROOT PROFILE = utils.PROFILE VERSION = utils.VERSION ICON = utils.ICON FANART = utils.FANART SEARCH = utils.SEARCH BLANK = 'NULL' GETTEXT = utils.GETTEXT TITLE = utils.TITLE FRODO = utils.FRODO GOTHAM = utils.GOTHAM HELIX = utils.HELIX FILENAME = utils.FILENAME FOLDERCFG = utils.FOLDERCFG PLAYMEDIA_MODE = utils.PLAYMEDIA_MODE ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE = utils.ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE RUNPLUGIN_MODE = utils.RUNPLUGIN_MODE ACTION_MODE = utils.ACTION_MODE MANUAL_CMD = 'SF_MANUAL_CMD_' DISPLAYNAME = utils.DISPLAYNAME # -----Addon Modes ----- # _IGNORE = -10 _MAIN = -2 _diamondSEARCH = 0 #also in capture.py _diamondSEARCHDEF = 10 #also in capture.py _EXTSEARCH = 25 #used to trigger new diamond Search from outside of addon _SEPARATOR = 50 _SETTINGS = 100 _VIEWTYPE = 150 _ADDTOXBMC = 200 _ADDTOSF = 250 _COPYTOSF = 275 _XBMC = 300 _FOLDER = utils._FOLDER _NEWFOLDER = 500 _PLAYMEDIA = 600 _ACTIVATEWINDOW = 650 _ACTIVATEWINDOW_XBMC = 660 _ACTIVATESEARCH = 675 _REMOVEFOLDER = 700 _REMOVEFAVE = 800 _RENAMEFOLDER = 900 _RENAMEFAVE = 1000 _THUMBFAVE = 1500 _THUMBFOLDER = 1600 _PLAYBACKMODE = 1700 _EDITTERM = 1900 _EDITFOLDER = 2000 _EDITFAVE = 2100 _SECURE = 2200 _UNSECURE = 2300 _PLAYLIST = 2400 _COLOURFOLDER = 2500 _COLOURFAVE = 2600 _RECOMMEND_KEY = 2700 #also in capture.py _RECOMMEND_KEY_A = 2710 _RECOMMEND_IMDB = 2800 _PLAYTRAILER = 2900 _EDITSEARCH = 3000 _IMPORT = 3100 _IPLAY = 3200 _PLAYLISTFILE = 3300 _PLAYLISTITEM = 3400 _PLAYLISTBROWSE = 3500 _DELETEPLAYLIST = 3600 _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF = 3700 _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF_ITEM = 3800 _PLAYPLAYLIST = 3900 _URLPLAYLIST = 4000 _HISTORYSHOW = 4100 _HISTORYADD = 4200 _HISTORYREMOVE = 4300 _MANUAL = 4400 _CUT = 4500 _COPY = 4600 _PASTE = 4700 _CUTFOLDER = 4800 _COPYFOLDER = 4900 _PASTEFOLDER = 5000 _IEXPLORE = 5100 _PLAY_FILE = 5200 _PLAY_FOLDER = 5300 _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER = 5400 _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER_EXT = 5450 # --------------------- Addon Settings --------------------- # SHOWNEW = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWNEW') == 'true' SHOWIMPORT = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWIMPORT') == 'true' SHOWSEP = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWSEP') == 'true' SHOWSS = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWSS') == 'true' CONTEXTSS = ADDON.getSetting('CONTEXTSS') == 'true' SHOW_FANART = ADDON.getSetting('SHOW_FANART') == 'true' SHOWRECOMMEND = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWRECOMMEND') == 'true' PLAY_PLAYLISTS = ADDON.getSetting('PLAY_PLAYLISTS') == 'true' METARECOMMEND = ADDON.getSetting('METARECOMMEND') == 'true' SYNOPSRECOMMEND = ADDON.getSetting('SYNOPSRECOMMEND') == 'true' RECOMMENDAUTO = ADDON.getSetting('RECOMMENDFIRST') == 'true' CONTEXTRECOMMEND = ADDON.getSetting('CONTEXTRECOMMEND') == 'true' REMOTE = ADDON.getSetting('REMOTE') == 'true' SHOWIPLAY = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWIPLAY') == 'true' SHOWIHISTORY = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWREMEMBER') == 'true' SHOWIEXPLORE = ADDON.getSetting('SHOWIEXPLORE') == 'true' COPY_PLAYLISTS = ADDON.getSetting('COPY_PLAYLISTS') == 'true' ALLOW_PLAYLIST_DELETE = ADDON.getSetting('ALLOW_PLAYLIST_DELETE') == 'true' DISABLEMOVIEVIEW = ADDON.getSetting('DISABLEMOVIEVIEW') == 'true' DEBUG = ADDON.getSetting('DEBUG') == 'true' DLG_MENU = ADDON.getSetting('CONTEXT_STYLE') == '1' DEFAULT_FANART = ADDON.getSetting('DEFAULT_FANART') SHOWXBMC = utils.SHOWXBMC INHERIT = utils.INHERIT ALPHA_SORT = utils.ALPHA_SORT LABEL_NUMERIC = utils.LABEL_NUMERIC if xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() == 10000: LABEL_NUMERIC = False TMDB_API_KEY='302783d0fefc7b8a97ab7cc7f42a2cde' try: VIEWTYPE = int(ADDON.getSetting('VIEWTYPE')) except: VIEWTYPE = 0 ART_LANDSCAPE = int(ADDON.getSetting('ART_LANDSCAPE')) ART_BANNER = int(ADDON.getSetting('ART_BANNER')) ART_POSTER = int(ADDON.getSetting('ART_POSTER')) CONTENTTYPE = ADDON.getSetting('CONTENTTYPE') CONTENTTYPES = {} CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35029)] = 'files' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35030)] = 'songs' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35031)] = 'artists' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35032)] = 'albums' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35033)] = 'movies' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35034)] = 'tvshows' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35035)] = 'episodes' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35036)] = 'musicvideos' CONTENTTYPES[GETTEXT(35037)] = '' if ADDON.getSetting('SHOW_STARTUP_TXT') == 'true': utils.DialogOK(ADDON.getSetting('STARTUP_TXT')) ADDON.setSetting('SHOW_STARTUP_TXT', 'false') if REMOTE: LOCATION = len(ADDON.getSetting('LOCATION')) > 0 else: LOCATION = False if DEFAULT_FANART == '1': FANART = ADDON.getSetting('DEFAULT_IMAGE') if DEFAULT_FANART == '2': FANART = BLANK CONTENTMODE = False ISEARCH_EMPTY = '__iSearch__' NUMBER_SEP = utils.NUMBER_SEP # ---------------------------------------------------------- # utils.CheckVersion() global nItem nItem = 0 global separator separator = False global currentFolder currentFolder = PROFILE global addingMainItems addingMainItems = False def main(): global addingMainItems addingMainItems = True addMainItems() addingMainItems = False parseFolder(PROFILE) def setViewType(): view = utils.getViewType() if view == None: return False ADDON.setSetting('VIEWTYPE', str(view)) return True def adddiamondSearch(): global separator if not SHOWSS: return separator = False addDir(GETTEXT(30054), _diamondSEARCH, thumbnail=SEARCH, isFolder=True, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30195)}) separator = True def addNewFolderItem(path): global currentFolder currentFolder = path global separator if SHOWNEW: separator = False addDir(GETTEXT(30004), _NEWFOLDER, path=path, thumbnail=ICON, isFolder=False, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30199)}) separator = True def addSeparatorItem(menu=None): global separator separator = False if SHOWSEP: addDir('', _SEPARATOR, thumbnail=BLANK, isFolder=False, menu=menu) def populatePasteMenu(menu): global currentFolder type = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_TYPE').lower() if len(type) == 0: return if type == 'capture': menu.append((GETTEXT(30258), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&paste=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PASTE, urllib.quote_plus(currentFolder)))) return folder = 'folder' in type cut = 'cut' in type src = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_FOLDER') if folder: if cut and currentFolder == xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_FILE'): return menu.append((GETTEXT(30182), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&paste=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PASTEFOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(currentFolder)))) return if src == currentFolder: return menu.append((GETTEXT(30179), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&paste=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PASTE, urllib.quote_plus(currentFolder)))) def addGlobalMenuItem(menu, item, ignore, label, thumbnail, u, keyword, fanart, meta): if mode == _FOLDER or mode == _MAIN or mode == _XBMC: populatePasteMenu(menu) if not ignore: try: addFavouriteMenuItem(menu, label, thumbnail, u, keyword, fanart, meta) except: pass if mode != _XBMC: cmd = '%s?mode=%d' % (sys.argv[0], _XBMC) label = GETTEXT(30040) % DISPLAYNAME menu.append((label, 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % cmd)) if mode == _FOLDER or mode == _MAIN: path = thepath if path == '': path = PROFILE menu.append((GETTEXT(30004), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _NEWFOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30166), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _MANUAL, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30204), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d)' % (sys.argv[0], _VIEWTYPE))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30005), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d)' % (sys.argv[0], _SETTINGS))) addon = utils.findAddon(item) if addon == None or addon == ADDONID: return label = utils.getSettingsLabel(addon) menu.append((label, 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&addon=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _SETTINGS, urllib.quote_plus(addon)))) def addFavouriteMenuItem(menu, name, thumb, cmd, keyword, fanart, meta): if mode == _XBMC: return if len(name) < 1: return #add iRecommend context menu item if mode is not _diamondSEARCH and not addingMainItems: label = removeNumeric(name) if utils.ADDON.getSetting('STRIPNUMBERS') == 'true': label = utils.Clean(label) prefix = GETTEXT(30268) if label.startswith(prefix): label = label[len(prefix):] if CONTEXTSS: menu.append((GETTEXT(30054), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s&image=%s&fanart=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _diamondSEARCH, urllib.quote_plus(label), urllib.quote_plus(thumb), urllib.quote_plus(fanart)))) if CONTEXTRECOMMEND: menu.append((GETTEXT(30088), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s&image=%s&fanart=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _RECOMMEND_KEY, urllib.quote_plus(label), urllib.quote_plus(thumb), urllib.quote_plus(fanart)))) label = GETTEXT(30006) % DISPLAYNAME menu.append((label, 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&name=%s&thumb=%s&cmd=%s&keyword=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _ADDTOXBMC, urllib.quote_plus(name), urllib.quote_plus(thumb), urllib.quote_plus(cmd), urllib.quote_plus(keyword)))) try: meta = urllib.quote_plus(utils.convertDictToURL(meta)) except: meta = '' if not addableToSF(): return menu.append((GETTEXT(30047), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&name=%s&thumb=%s&cmd=%s&keyword=%s&meta=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _ADDTOSF, urllib.quote_plus(name), urllib.quote_plus(thumb), urllib.quote_plus(cmd), urllib.quote_plus(keyword), meta))) fave = convertSFToFave(name, thumb, cmd, keyword) fave[2] = favourite.updateSFOption(fave[2], 'meta', meta) menu.append((GETTEXT(30209), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&name=%s&thumb=%s&cmd=%s&fanart=%s&meta=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPYTOSF, urllib.quote_plus(fave[0]), urllib.quote_plus(fave[1]), urllib.quote_plus(fave[2]), urllib.quote_plus(fanart), meta))) def addableToSF(): if mode == _diamondSEARCH: return True if mode == _HISTORYSHOW: return True if mode == _RECOMMEND_KEY: return True if mode == _RECOMMEND_IMDB: return True if mode == _RECOMMEND_KEY_A: return True return False def removeNumeric(text): if not LABEL_NUMERIC: return text root = text.split(NUMBER_SEP, 1)[0] if root.startswith('['): root = root.rsplit(']', 1)[0] + ']' else: root = '' return root + text.split(NUMBER_SEP, 1)[-1] def convertSFToFave(name, thumb, cmd, keyword): p = utils.get_params(cmd.replace('?', '&')) name = removeNumeric(name) try: mode = int(p['mode']) if mode == _FOLDER: label = urllib.unquote_plus(p['label']) path = urllib.unquote_plus(p['path']) path = utils.convertToHome(path) label = removeNumeric(label) cmd = '%s?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % (sys.argv[0], label, _FOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)) except: mode = _IGNORE cmd = '"%s"' % cmd folder = mode == _FOLDER search = mode == _diamondSEARCH edit = mode == _EDITTERM activate = mode == _ACTIVATESEARCH activateW = mode == _ACTIVATEWINDOW recommend = mode == _RECOMMEND_KEY or mode == _RECOMMEND_IMDB iPlay = mode == _IPLAY history = mode == _HISTORYSHOW playSF = mode == _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER isSF = cmd.startswith('"plugin://%s' % ADDONID) isCached = False if activateW: isCached = utils.DialogYesNo(GETTEXT(30207)) try: fanart = urllib.unquote_plus(p['fanart']) except: fanart = '' if activate: cmd = urllib.unquote_plus(p['cmd']) elif isCached or playSF: cmd = 'PlayMedia(%s)' % cmd elif isSF: cmd = cmd.replace('+', '%20') cmd = 'ActivateWindow(%d,%s,return)' % (utils.getCurrentWindowId(), cmd) if activateW: cmd = cmd.replace('mode=%d' % _ACTIVATEWINDOW, 'mode=%d' % _ACTIVATEWINDOW_XBMC) else: fanart = '' cmd = 'PlayMedia(%s)' % cmd if search: name = GETTEXT(30054) if edit: name = GETTEXT(30054) cmd = cmd.replace('&mode=%d' % _EDITTERM, '&mode=%d' % _diamondSEARCH) if recommend: name = GETTEXT(30088) if search and ('keyword' not in cmd): find = '&mode=%d' % _diamondSEARCH replace = '%s&keyword=%s' % (find, ISEARCH_EMPTY) cmd = cmd.replace(find, replace) if not cmd.lower().endswith(',return)'): cmd = cmd[:-1] + ',return)' if folder: thumbnail, fanart = utils.getFolderThumb(path) #cmd = favourite.addFanart(cmd, fanart) cmd = favourite.addFanart(cmd, fanart) keyword = urllib.unquote_plus(keyword) if len(keyword) > 0: name += ' - %s' % keyword fave = [name, thumb, cmd] return fave def addToSF(name, thumb, cmd, keyword, meta): text = GETTEXT(30019) folder = utils.GetSFFolder(text) if not folder: return False fave = convertSFToFave(name, thumb, cmd, keyword) fave[2] = favourite.updateSFOption(fave[2], 'meta', urllib.quote_plus(meta)) file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) #if it is already in there don't add again if favourite.findFave(file, fave[2])[0]: return False return addToFile(fave, file) def addToFile(fave, file): cmd = fave[2] #if it is already in there don't add again if favourite.findFave(file, cmd)[0]: return False faves = favourite.getFavourites(file, validate=False) faves.append(fave) favourite.writeFavourites(file, faves) return True def addToXBMC(name, thumb, cmd, keyword): fave = convertSFToFave(name, thumb, cmd, keyword) file = os.path.join('special://profile', FILENAME) return addToFile(fave, file) def refresh(): xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') def removeAutoplay(path): cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.clearParam('AUTOPLAY', cfg) refresh() def addAutoplay(path): cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('AUTOPLAY', 'True', cfg) refresh() def showXBMCFolder(): global currentFolder currentFolder = 'special://profile' file = os.path.join(currentFolder, FILENAME) parseFile(file) def parseFile(file, sortorder=0, label_numeric=None, index=0): if sortorder == 0: sortorder = 1 if ALPHA_SORT else 2 global separator faves = favourite.getFavourites(file) if label_numeric == None: label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC text = GETTEXT(30099) % DISPLAYNAME if mode == _XBMC else GETTEXT(30068) if sortorder == 1: #ALPHA_SORT: faves = sorted(faves, key=lambda x: utils.CleanForSort(x)) for fave in faves: utils.log(fave) label = fave[0] thumb = fave[1] cmd = fave[2] fanart = favourite.getFanart(cmd) desc = favourite.getOption(cmd, 'desc') meta = favourite.getOption(cmd, 'meta') manualUnset = MANUAL_CMD in cmd infolabel = utils.convertURLToDict(meta) if len(desc) > 0: infolabel['plot'] = urllib.unquote(desc) menu = [] menu.append((text, 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&file=%s&cmd=%s&name=%s&thumb=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _EDITFAVE, urllib.quote_plus(file), urllib.quote_plus(cmd), urllib.quote_plus(label), urllib.quote_plus(thumb)))) if not PLAY_PLAYLISTS: import playlist if playlist.isPlaylist(cmd): menu.append((GETTEXT(30084), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&file=%s&cmd=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAYLIST, urllib.quote_plus(file), urllib.quote_plus(cmd)))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30178), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&file=%s&cmd=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPY, urllib.quote_plus(file), urllib.quote_plus(cmd)))) #menu.append((GETTEXT(30177), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&file=%s&cmd=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _CUT, urllib.quote_plus(file), urllib.quote_plus(cmd)))) type = _ACTIVATEWINDOW isFolder = True if manualUnset: type = _IGNORE isFolder = False elif 'playmedia(' in cmd.lower(): type = _PLAYMEDIA isFolder = False label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label, label_numeric) path = checkFordiamondFolderLink(cmd) if path: addDir(label, _FOLDER, path=path, thumbnail=thumb, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, infolabels=infolabel) else: addDir(label, type, cmd=cmd, thumbnail=thumb, isFolder=isFolder, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, infolabels=infolabel) separator = len(faves) > 0 def checkFordiamondFolderLink(cmd): try: if not cmd.startswith('ActivateWindow'): return None if 'plugin://plugin.program.stv.favourites' not in cmd: return None params = utils.get_params(cmd) mode = int(params['mode']) if mode <> _FOLDER: return None if 'path' in params: path = params['path'].replace('\\', '/') if path.replace('\\', '/').startswith(PROFILE): return path if 'folder' in params: folder = params['folder'].replace('\\', '/') folder = os.path.join(PROFILE, folder) return folder except: pass return None def addMainItems(): if mode != _MAIN: return global separator adddiamondSearch() if SHOWIEXPLORE: separator = False folder = 'DefaultFolder.png' addDir(GETTEXT(30225), _IEXPLORE, thumbnail=folder, isFolder=True, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30227)}) separator = True if SHOWIPLAY: separator = False thumbnail = 'DefaultVideoPlaylists.png' fanart = '' label = GETTEXT(30146) % DISPLAYNAME addDir(label, _IPLAY, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=True, fanart=fanart, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30196)}) separator = True addNewFolderItem(PROFILE) if SHOWXBMC: separator = False thumbnail, fanart = utils.getFolderThumb(PROFILE, True) label = GETTEXT(30040) % DISPLAYNAME addDir(label, _XBMC, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=True, fanart=fanart, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30197)}) separator = True if SHOWIMPORT and LOCATION: separator = False thumbnail = 'DefaultFile.png' fanart = '' addDir(GETTEXT(30125), _IMPORT, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=False, fanart=fanart, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30198)}) separator = True def playdiamondFolder(path, id): if not path: path = PROFILE import locking if not locking.unlock(path): return file = os.path.join(path, FILENAME) faves = favourite.getFavourites(file) if ALPHA_SORT: faves = sorted(faves, key=lambda x: utils.CleanForSort(x)) items = [] for fave in faves: label = fave[0] thumb = fave[1] cmd = fave[2] try: cmd = re.compile('"(.+?)"').search(cmd).group(1) cmd = favourite.removeSFOptions(cmd) items.append([label, cmd, thumb]) except: pass utils.log('Play diamond Folder - Items') utils.log(items) utils.playItems(items, id) def playFolder(folder): if sfile.isfile(folder): folder = sfile.getfolder(folder) files = utils.parseFolder(folder, subfolders=False) items = [] for file in files: items.append([file[0], file[1]]) utils.playItems(items) def playFile(filename): #cmd = 'PlayMedia(%s)' % path #xbmc.executebuiltin(cmd) items = [[sfile.getfilename(filename), filename]] utils.playItems(items) def iExplore(path=None): file = 'DefaultMovies.png' folder = 'DefaultFolder.png' if not path: path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse(3, GETTEXT(30226), 'files', '', False, False) try: path = path.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] + os.sep except: return try: items = utils.parseFolder(path) except: items = [] index = 0 for item in items: label = item[0] url = item[1].replace('\\', '/') isFile = item[2] title = label label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label) menu = [] if isFile: menu.append((GETTEXT(30230), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAY_FOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(url)))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30047), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&label=%s&thumb=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF_ITEM, urllib.quote_plus(url), urllib.quote_plus(title), urllib.quote_plus(file)))) addDir(label, _PLAY_FILE, path=url, thumbnail=file, isFolder=False, menu=menu, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30229) % title}) else: menu.append((GETTEXT(30231), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAY_FOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(url)))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30047), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&label=%s&thumb=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF, urllib.quote_plus(url), urllib.quote_plus(title), urllib.quote_plus(folder)))) addDir(label, _IEXPLORE, path=url, thumbnail=folder, isFolder=True, menu=menu, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30228) % title}) def parseFolder(folder): global separator global currentFolder currentFolder = folder try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) except: return dirs = sorted(dirs, key=str.lower) folderConfig = os.path.join(folder, FOLDERCFG) folderConfig = parameters.getParams(folderConfig) label_numeric = parameters.getParam('NUMERICAL', folderConfig) sortorder = parameters.getParam('SORT', folderConfig) if label_numeric: label_numeric = label_numeric.lower() == 'true' else: label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC try: sortorder = int(sortorder) except: sortorder = 0 index = 0 for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(current, dir) folderConfig = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) visible = 'true' if DEBUG else parameters.getParam('VISIBLE', folderConfig) if visible and visible.lower() == 'false': continue folderConfig = parameters.getParams(folderConfig) lock = parameters.getParam('LOCK', folderConfig) colour = parameters.getParam('COLOUR', folderConfig) desc = parameters.getParam('DESC', folderConfig) autoplay = parameters.getParam('AUTOPLAY', folderConfig) meta = parameters.getParam('META', folderConfig) infolabel = utils.convertURLToDict(meta) if desc: infolabel = {'plot':desc} menu = [] menu.append((GETTEXT(30067), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&name=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _EDITFOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path), urllib.quote_plus(dir)))) if autoplay: menu.append((GETTEXT(30235), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _FOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) else: menu.append((GETTEXT(30232), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) #if lock: #lock is now on Edit diamond Folder menu # menu.append((GETTEXT(30077), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&name=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _UNSECURE, urllib.quote_plus(path), urllib.quote_plus(dir)))) #else: # menu.append((GETTEXT(30076), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&name=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _SECURE, urllib.quote_plus(path), urllib.quote_plus(dir)))) thumbnail, fanart = utils.getFolderThumb(path) if not lock: menu.append((GETTEXT(30181), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPYFOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) #menu.append((GETTEXT(30180), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _CUTFOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) if label_numeric: prefix, index = utils.getPrefix(index) dir = prefix + dir if colour and colour.lower() <> 'none': dir = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (colour, dir) mode = _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER if autoplay else _FOLDER isFolder = not autoplay isPlayable = not isFolder addDir(dir, mode, path=path, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=isFolder, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, infolabels=infolabel, isPlayable=isPlayable) if len(dirs) > 0: separator = True file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) parseFile(file, sortorder, label_numeric, index) def getColour(): filename = os.path.join(HOME, 'resources', 'colours', 'Color.xml') if not sfile.exists(filename): return None menu = [[GETTEXT(30087), 'SF_RESET']] f = sfile.readlines(filename) for line in f: if 'name' in line: name = line.split('"')[1] menu.append(['[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (name, name), name]) if len(menu) < 2: return None import menus if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(GETTEXT(30086), menu) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, menu) #option = menus.selectMenu(GETTEXT(30086), menu) if option < 0: return None return option def getImage(): root = HOME.split(os.sep, 1)[0] + os.sep image = xbmcgui.Dialog().browse(2,GETTEXT(30044), 'files', '', False, False, root) if image and image != root: return image return None def getSkinImage(): image = '' skin = xbmc.getSkinDir().lower() icon = os.path.join(HOME, 'resources', skin, 'icons') items = ['Diamond Favourite'] if sfile.exists(icon): f = sfile.file(icon, 'r') for line in f: items.append(line.strip()) f.close() if (len(items) > 1) and utils.DialogYesNo(GETTEXT(30046)): import imagebrowser return imagebrowser.getImage(ADDONID, items) return getImage() def removeFanartFolder(path): folderConfig = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('FANART', '', folderConfig) return True def removeThumbFolder(path): folderConfig = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('ICON', '', folderConfig) return True def fanartFolder(path,image=None): if not image: image = getImage() if not image: return False image = utils.convertToHome(image) folderConfig = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('FANART', image, folderConfig) return True def thumbFolder(path, image=None): if not image: image = getImage() if not image: return False folderConfig = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('ICON', utils.convertToHome(image), folderConfig) return True def removeMetaFave(file, cmd): return pasteMetaFave(file, cmd, '') def pasteMetaFave(file, cmd, meta_clip): fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) if not fave: return False fave[2] = favourite.updateSFOption(cmd, 'meta', urllib.quote_plus(meta_clip)) favourite.updateFave(file, fave) return True def removeThumbFave(file, cmd): fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) if len(fave[1]) < 1: return False fave[1] = '' favourite.updateFave(file, fave) return True def removeFanartFave(file, cmd): fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) fave[2] = favourite.updateSFOption(cmd, 'fanart', '') favourite.updateFave(file, fave) return True def fanartFave(file, cmd, image=None): if not image: image = getImage() if not image: return False fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) fave[2] = favourite.addFanart(fave[2], image) return favourite.updateFave(file, fave) def thumbFave(file, cmd, image=None): if not image: image = getImage() if not image: return False fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) fave[1] = image return favourite.updateFave(file, fave) def getFolder(title): return utils.GetFolder(title) def createNewFolder(current): text = utils.fileSystemSafe(utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30013))) if not text: return False folder = os.path.join(current, text) if sfile.exists(folder): utils.DialogOK('', GETTEXT(30014) % text) return False sfile.makedirs(folder) return True def changePlaybackMode(file, cmd): OPTION = 'mode' try: mode = int(favourite.getOption(cmd, OPTION)) except: mode = 0 playMedia = GETTEXT(30142) activateWindow = GETTEXT(30143) runPlugin = GETTEXT(30144) if mode == PLAYMEDIA_MODE: playMedia = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % playMedia if mode == ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE: activateWindow = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % activateWindow if mode == RUNPLUGIN_MODE: runPlugin = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % runPlugin options = [] options.append([playMedia, PLAYMEDIA_MODE]) options.append([activateWindow, ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE]) options.append([runPlugin, RUNPLUGIN_MODE]) import menus if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(GETTEXT(30052), options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) if option == mode: return False if option == -1: return False fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) if len(fave[2]) < 1: return False fave[2] = favourite.updateSFOption(fave[2], OPTION, option) favourite.updateFave(file, fave) return True def editFolder(path, name): cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) cfg = parameters.getParams(cfg) thumb = parameters.getParam('ICON', cfg) fanart = parameters.getParam('FANART', cfg) lock = parameters.getParam('LOCK', cfg) autoplay = parameters.getParam('AUTOPLAY', cfg) sortorder = parameters.getParam('SORT', cfg) meta = parameters.getParam('META', cfg) hasThumb = thumb and len(thumb) > 0 hasFanart = fanart and len(fanart) > 0 hasMeta = meta and len(meta) > 0 REMOVE = 0 RENAME = 1 CHOOSETHUMB = 2 PASTETHUMB = 3 CHOOSEFANART = 4 PASTEFANART = 5 REMOVETHUMB = 6 REMOVEFANART = 7 EDITDESC = 8 PASTEDESC = 9 COLOUR = 10 LOCK = 11 AUTOPLAY = 12 SORTORDER = 13 PASTEMETA = 14 REMOVEMETA = 15 DESC_MENU = 100 META_MENU = 101 THUMB_MENU = 102 FANART_MENU = 103 import clipboard thumb_clip = clipboard.getThumb() fanart_clip = clipboard.getFanart() desc_clip = clipboard.getDesc() meta_clip = clipboard.getMeta() # --------- Build Menu ----------- options = [] options.append([GETTEXT(30011), REMOVE]) options.append([GETTEXT(30012), RENAME]) #lock/unlock label = GETTEXT(30077) if lock else GETTEXT(30076) options.append([label, LOCK]) #autoplay label = GETTEXT(30234) if autoplay else GETTEXT(30233) options.append([label, AUTOPLAY]) #sortorder options.append([GETTEXT(30237), SORTORDER]) #description if len(desc_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30264), DESC_MENU]) else: options.append([GETTEXT(30194), EDITDESC]) #meta if hasMeta and len(meta_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30265), META_MENU]) else: if (hasMeta): options.append([GETTEXT(30263), REMOVEMETA]) if len(meta_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30262), PASTEMETA]) #thumb if hasThumb or len(thumb_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30266), THUMB_MENU]) else: options.append([GETTEXT(30043), CHOOSETHUMB]) #fanart if hasFanart or len(fanart_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30267), FANART_MENU]) else: options.append([GETTEXT(30107), CHOOSEFANART]) options.append([GETTEXT(30085), COLOUR]) # --------- Get Choice ----------- import menus if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(name, options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) options = [] # --------- Handle Further Menus ----------- if option == DESC_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30194), EDITDESC]) options.append([GETTEXT(30212), PASTEDESC]) if option == META_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30263), REMOVEMETA]) options.append([GETTEXT(30262), PASTEMETA]) if option == THUMB_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30043), CHOOSETHUMB]) if len(thumb_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30210), PASTETHUMB]) if hasThumb: options.append([GETTEXT(30097), REMOVETHUMB]) if option == FANART_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30107), CHOOSEFANART]) if len(fanart_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30211), PASTEFANART]) if hasFanart: options.append([GETTEXT(30108), REMOVEFANART]) # --------- Get Choice from 2nd Menu if Necessary----------- if len(options) > 0: if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(name, options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) # --------- Handle Choice ----------- if option == REMOVE: return removeFolder(path) if option == RENAME: return renameFolder(path) if option == EDITDESC: return editFolderDescription(path, name) if option == PASTEDESC: return editFolderDescription(path, name, desc_clip) if option == CHOOSETHUMB: return thumbFolder(path) if option == PASTETHUMB: return thumbFolder(path, thumb_clip) if option == CHOOSEFANART: return fanartFolder(path) if option == PASTEFANART: return fanartFolder(path, fanart_clip) if option == REMOVETHUMB: return removeThumbFolder(path) if option == REMOVEFANART: return removeFanartFolder(path) if option == COLOUR: return colourFolder(path) if option == LOCK: import locking dir = sfile.getfilename(path) if lock: locking.remove(path, name) else: locking.add(path, name) refresh() if option == AUTOPLAY: if autoplay: removeAutoplay(path) else: addAutoplay(path) if option == SORTORDER: setFolderSortOrder(path, sortorder) if option == REMOVEMETA: return removeMetaFolder(path) if option == PASTEMETA: return pasteMetaFolder(path, meta_clip) return False def setFolderSortOrder(path, current): try: current = int(current) except: current = 0 config = GETTEXT(30238) # 0 alpha = GETTEXT(30239) # 1 manual = GETTEXT(30240) # 2 if current == 0: config = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % config if current == 1: alpha = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % alpha if current == 2: manual = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % manual options = [] options.append([config, 0]) options.append([alpha, 1]) options.append([manual, 2]) import menus if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(GETTEXT(30237), options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) if option == current: return False if option == -1: return False cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('SORT', option, cfg) def editFave(file, cmd, name, thumb): # this method really needs refactoring! global itemIndex fanart = favourite.getFanart(cmd) hasThumb = len(thumb) > 0 hasFanart = len(fanart) > 0 hasMode = cmd.startswith('PlayMedia') hasMeta = len(favourite.getOption(cmd, 'meta')) > 0 UP = 0 DOWN = 1 COPY = 2 MOVE = 3 REMOVE = 4 RENAME = 5 EDITDESC = 6 PASTEDESC = 7 CHOOSETHUMB = 8 PASTETHUMB = 9 CHOOSEFANART = 10 PASTEFANART = 11 REMOVETHUMB = 12 REMOVEFANART = 13 COLOUR = 14 PLAYBACKMODE = 15 MANUALEDIT = 16 REMOVEMETA = 17 PASTEMETA = 18 DESC_MENU = 100 META_MENU = 101 THUMB_MENU = 102 FANART_MENU = 103 import clipboard thumb_clip = clipboard.getThumb() fanart_clip = clipboard.getFanart() desc_clip = clipboard.getDesc() meta_clip = clipboard.getMeta() path = sfile.getfolder(file) cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) try: sortorder = int(parameters.getParam('SORT', cfg)) except: sortorder = 0 if sortorder == 0: sortorder = 1 if ALPHA_SORT else 2 # --------- Build Menu ----------- options = [] if sortorder == 2: options.append([GETTEXT(30041), UP]) options.append([GETTEXT(30042), DOWN]) options.append([GETTEXT(30007), COPY]) options.append([GETTEXT(30008), MOVE]) options.append([GETTEXT(30009), REMOVE]) options.append([GETTEXT(30010), RENAME]) #description if len(desc_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30264), DESC_MENU]) else: options.append([GETTEXT(30194), EDITDESC]) #meta if hasMeta and len(meta_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30265), META_MENU]) else: if (hasMeta): options.append([GETTEXT(30263), REMOVEMETA]) if len(meta_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30262), PASTEMETA]) #thumb if hasThumb or len(thumb_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30266), THUMB_MENU]) else: options.append([GETTEXT(30043), CHOOSETHUMB]) #fanart if hasFanart or len(fanart_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30267), FANART_MENU]) else: options.append([GETTEXT(30107), CHOOSEFANART]) options.append([GETTEXT(30085), COLOUR]) if hasMode: options.append([GETTEXT(30052), PLAYBACKMODE]) options.append([GETTEXT(30168), MANUALEDIT]) # --------- Get Choice ----------- import menus if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(name, options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) options = [] # --------- Handle Further Menus ----------- if option == DESC_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30194), EDITDESC]) options.append([GETTEXT(30212), PASTEDESC]) if option == META_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30263), REMOVEMETA]) options.append([GETTEXT(30262), PASTEMETA]) if option == THUMB_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30043), CHOOSETHUMB]) if len(thumb_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30210), PASTETHUMB]) if hasThumb: options.append([GETTEXT(30097), REMOVETHUMB]) if option == FANART_MENU: options.append([GETTEXT(30107), CHOOSEFANART]) if len(fanart_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30211), PASTEFANART]) if hasFanart: options.append([GETTEXT(30108), REMOVEFANART]) # --------- Get Choice from 2nd Menu if Necessary----------- if len(options) > 0: if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(name, options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) # --------- Handle Choice ----------- if option == UP: #itemIndex = -1 return favourite.shiftFave(file, cmd, up=True) if option == DOWN: #itemIndex = -1 return favourite.shiftFave(file, cmd, up=False) if option == COPY: return copyFave(file, cmd) if option == MOVE: return moveFave(file, cmd) if option == REMOVE: return favourite.removeFave(file, cmd) if option == RENAME: return renameFave(file, cmd) if option == EDITDESC: return editDescription(file, cmd, name) if option == PASTEDESC: return editDescription(file, cmd, name, desc_clip) if option == CHOOSETHUMB: return thumbFave(file, cmd) if option == PASTETHUMB: return thumbFave(file, cmd, thumb_clip) if option == CHOOSEFANART: return fanartFave(file, cmd) if option == PASTEFANART: return fanartFave(file, cmd, fanart_clip) if option == REMOVETHUMB: return removeThumbFave(file, cmd) if option == REMOVEFANART: return removeFanartFave(file, cmd) if option == COLOUR: return colourFave(file, cmd) if option == PLAYBACKMODE: return changePlaybackMode(file, cmd) if option == MANUALEDIT: return manualEdit(file, cmd, name, thumb) if option == REMOVEMETA: return removeMetaFave(file, cmd) if option == PASTEMETA: return pasteMetaFave(file, cmd, meta_clip) return False def removeMetaFolder(path): cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.clearParam('META', cfg) return True def pasteMetaFolder(path, meta): cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) parameters.setParam('META', urllib.quote(meta), cfg) return True def editFolderDescription(path, name, desc=None): cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) if desc == None: desc = parameters.getParam('DESC', cfg) desc = utils.GetText(name, text=desc, hidden=False, allowEmpty=True) if desc == None: return False parameters.setParam('DESC', desc, cfg) return True def editDescription(file, cmd, name, desc=None): fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) if not fave: return False if desc == None: desc = favourite.getOption(cmd, 'desc') desc = urllib.unquote(desc) desc = utils.GetText(name, text=desc, hidden=False, allowEmpty=True) if desc == None: return False fave[2] = favourite.updateSFOption(cmd, 'desc', urllib.quote(desc)) favourite.updateFave(file, fave) return True def manualEdit(file, _cmd, name='', thumb='', editName=True): cmd = _cmd if editName: name = utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30021), name, allowEmpty=True) if name == None: return False type = manualType(name, cmd) if type < 0: return False windowID = '-1' originalID = '' if type == ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE: windowID, originalID = getWindowID(cmd, name) if windowID == '0': return False newCmd = '' manualUnset = MANUAL_CMD in cmd title = GETTEXT(30170) % name sfOptions = '' prefix = '' if manualUnset: newCmd = utils.GetText(title, '', allowEmpty=True) else: if type == ACTION_MODE: cmd = cmd.split('ExecuteBuiltin("', 1)[-1] cmd = cmd.rsplit('")')[0] else: cmd = cmd.split('(', 1)[-1].rsplit(')', 1)[0] #split only on very outer brackets if _cmd.lower().startswith('activatewindow'): if cmd == originalID: cmd = '' else: cmd = cmd.split(',', 1)[-1].strip() if cmd.endswith(',return'): cmd = cmd[:-7] if cmd.startswith('"'): cmd = cmd[6] if cmd.endswith('"'): cmd = cmd[:-6] if cmd.startswith('"'): cmd = cmd[1:] if cmd.endswith('"'): cmd = cmd[:-1] if cmd.lower() == 'return': cmd = '' cmd = cmd.replace('"', '') if '?sf_options' in cmd: prefix = '?sf_options' cmd, sfOptions = cmd.split(prefix) elif '&sf_options' in cmd: prefix = '&sf_options' cmd, sfOptions = cmd.split(prefix) newCmd = utils.GetText(title, cmd, allowEmpty=True) if newCmd == None: return False if len(prefix) > 0 and len(sfOptions) > 0: newCmd += prefix + sfOptions newCmd = buildManualFave(type, newCmd, windowID) fave = [] fave.append(name) fave.append(thumb) fave.append(newCmd) return favourite.replaceFave(file, fave, _cmd) def buildManualFave(type, cmd, windowID='-1'): if type == ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE: if cmd: return 'ActivateWindow("%s","%s",return)' % (windowID, cmd) else: return 'ActivateWindow("%s",return)' % (windowID) if len(cmd) == 0: return getDefaultManualCmd() if type == PLAYMEDIA_MODE: return 'PlayMedia("%s")' % cmd elif type == RUNPLUGIN_MODE: cmd = cmd.replace(',', '","') return 'RunScript("%s")' % cmd elif type == ACTION_MODE: return 'ExecuteBuiltin("%s")' % cmd return getDefaultManualCmd() def getWindowID(cmd, name): try: originalID = re.compile('activatewindow\((.+?),').search(cmd.lower()).group(1) except: try: originalID = re.compile('activatewindow\((.+?)\)').search(cmd.lower()).group(1) except: originalID = '' try: if len(name) > 0: title = GETTEXT(30175) % name else: title = GETTEXT(30176) windowID = utils.GetText(title, originalID ) if windowID: return windowID, originalID except: pass return '0', originalID def colourise(cmd, type, action): if cmd.lower().startswith(type): action = '[COLOR selected]%s[/COLOR]' % action return action def manualType(name, cmd): title = GETTEXT(30169) % name playMedia = colourise(cmd, 'playmedia', GETTEXT(30172)) activateWindow = colourise(cmd, 'activatewindow', GETTEXT(30173)) runScript = colourise(cmd, 'runscript', GETTEXT(30174)) action = colourise(cmd, 'executebuiltin', GETTEXT(30193)) options = [] options.append([playMedia, PLAYMEDIA_MODE]) options.append([activateWindow, ACTIVATEWINDOW_MODE]) options.append([runScript, RUNPLUGIN_MODE]) options.append([action, ACTION_MODE]) import menus option = menus.selectMenu(title, options) #if DLG_MENU: # option = menus.selectMenu(title, options) #else: # option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) return option def manualAdd(folder): name = utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30021), '', allowEmpty=True) if name == None: return False cmd = getDefaultManualCmd() thumb = '' file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) return manualEdit(file, cmd, name, thumb, editName=False) def getDefaultManualCmd(): id = int(ADDON.getSetting('MANUAL_ID')) ADDON.setSetting('MANUAL_ID', str(id+1)) return MANUAL_CMD + str(id) def editSearch(file, cmd, name, thumb): global itemIndex fanart = favourite.getFanart(cmd) hasThumb = len(thumb) > 0 hasFanart = len(fanart) > 0 UP = 0 DOWN = 1 RENAME = 2 CHOOSETHUMB = 3 PASTETHUMB = 4 CHOOSEFANART = 5 PASTEFANART = 6 REMOVETHUMB = 7 REMOVEFANART = 8 COLOUR = 9 thumb_clip = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_THUMB') fanart_clip = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('SF_FANART') options = [] if not ALPHA_SORT: options.append([GETTEXT(30041), UP]) options.append([GETTEXT(30042), DOWN]) options.append([GETTEXT(30010), RENAME]) #thumb options.append([GETTEXT(30043), CHOOSETHUMB]) if len(thumb_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30210), PASTETHUMB]) if hasThumb: options.append([GETTEXT(30097), REMOVETHUMB]) #fanart options.append([GETTEXT(30107), CHOOSEFANART]) if len(fanart_clip) > 0: options.append([GETTEXT(30211), PASTEFANART]) if hasFanart: options.append([GETTEXT(30108), REMOVEFANART]) options.append([GETTEXT(30085), COLOUR]) import menus if DLG_MENU: option = menus.selectMenu(name, options) else: option = menus.showMenu(ADDONID, options) if option == UP: #itemIndex = -1 return favourite.shiftFave(file, cmd, up=True) if option == DOWN: #itemIndex = -1 return favourite.shiftFave(file, cmd, up=False) if option == RENAME: return renameFave(file, cmd) if option == CHOOSETHUMB: return thumbFave(file, cmd) if option == PASTETHUMB: return thumbFave(file, cmd, thumb_clip) if option == REMOVETHUMB: return removeThumbFave(file, cmd) if option == CHOOSEFANART: return fanartFave(file, cmd) if option == PASTEFANART: return fanartFave(file, cmd, fanart_clip) if option == REMOVEFANART: return removeFanartFave(file, cmd) if option == COLOUR: return colourFave(file, cmd) return False def renameFolder(path): label = path.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1] title = label try: text = utils.fileSystemSafe(utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30015) % title, label)) except: title = utils.fix(title) if not text: return False root = path.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] newName = os.path.join(root, text) sfile.rename(path, newName) return True def colourFolder(path): colour = getColour() if not colour: return False cfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) if colour == 'SF_RESET': parameters.clearParam('COLOUR', cfg) else: parameters.setParam('COLOUR', colour, cfg) return True def removeFolder(path): label = path.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1] label = utils.fix(label) if not utils.DialogYesNo(GETTEXT(30016) % label, GETTEXT(30017), GETTEXT(30018)): return False sfile.rmtree(path) return True def moveFave(file, cmd): if not copyFave(file, cmd, move=True): return False return favourite.removeFave(file, cmd) def copyFave(file, cmd, move=False): copy, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) if not copy: return False text = GETTEXT(30020) if move else GETTEXT(30019) folder = getFolder(text) if not folder: return False file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) return favourite.copyFave(file, copy) def renameFave(file, cmd): fave, index, nFaves = favourite.findFave(file, cmd) if not fave: return False newName = utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30021), text=fave[0], allowEmpty=True) if newName == None: return False return favourite.renameFave(file, cmd, newName) def decolourize(text): text = re.sub('\[COLOR (.+?)\]', '', text) text = re.sub('\[/COLOR\]', '', text) return text def colourFave(file, cmd): colour = getColour() if not colour: return False copy = [] faves = favourite.getFavourites(file) for fave in faves: if favourite.equals(fave[2], cmd): fave[0] = decolourize(fave[0]) if colour != 'SF_RESET': fave[0] = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (colour, fave[0]) copy.append(fave) favourite.writeFavourites(file, copy) return True def getTVDB(imdb): try: import json if not imdb.endswith('?'): imdb = imdb + '?' url = 'http://api.themoviedb.org/3/find/%sapi_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9&external_source=imdb_id' % imdb html = quicknet.getURL(url, maxSec=5*86400, agent='Firefox') jsn = json.loads(html) thumbnail = BLANK fanart = FANART movies = jsn['movie_results'] tvs = jsn['tv_results'] source = None if len(movies) > 0: source = movies[0] elif len(tvs) > 0: source = tvs[0] if source: try: thumbnail = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w342' + source['poster_path'] except: pass try: fanart = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780' + source['backdrop_path'] except: pass return thumbnail, fanart except: pass return BLANK, FANART def getMeta(grabber, name, type, year=None, season=None, episode=None, imdb=None): infoLabels = {} if not imdb: imdb = '' imdb = imdb.replace('/?', '') if year=='': year = None if year == None: try: year = re.search('\s*\((\d\d\d\d)\)',name).group(1) except: year = None if year is not None: name = name.replace(' ('+year+')','').replace('('+year+')','') if 'movie' in type: meta = grabber.get_meta('movie', name, imdb, None, year, overlay=6) meta['trailer_url'] = '%s?mode=%d&path=%s' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAYTRAILER, meta['trailer_url']) infoLabels = {'rating': meta['rating'],'trailer': meta['trailer_url'],'duration': meta['duration'],'genre': meta['genre'],'mpaa':"rated %s"%meta['mpaa'],'plot': meta['plot'],'title': meta['title'],'writer': meta['writer'],'cover_url': meta['cover_url'],'director': meta['director'],'castandrole': meta['cast'],'fanart': meta['backdrop_url'],'tmdb_id': meta['tmdb_id'],'year': meta['year']} elif 'tvshow' in type: meta = grabber.get_episode_meta(name, imdb, season, episode) infoLabels = {'rating': meta['rating'],'genre': meta['genre'],'mpaa':"rated %s"%meta['mpaa'],'plot': meta['plot'],'title': meta['title'],'cover_url': meta['cover_url'],'fanart': meta['backdrop_url'],'Episode': meta['episode'],'Aired': meta['premiered']} return infoLabels def getMovieMenu(infolabels, menu=None): if not menu: menu = [] if len(infolabels) == 0: return menu menu.append((GETTEXT(30090), 'Action(Info)')) try: if 'trailer' in infolabels and len(infolabels['trailer']) > 0: menu.append((GETTEXT(30091), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % infolabels['trailer'])) except: pass return menu def hasIMDBRecommendations(imdb): url = 'http://imdb.com/title/%s' % imdb html = quicknet.getURL(url, maxSec=86400, agent='Firefox') items = re.compile('

').findall(html) return len(items) > 0 def getMetaGrabber(): if METARECOMMEND: try: from metahandler import metahandlers return metahandlers.MetaData(tmdb_api_key=TMDB_API_KEY) except: pass return None def recommendIMDB(imdb, keyword, fallback=True): grabber = getMetaGrabber() url = 'http://imdb.com/title/%s' % imdb html = quicknet.getURL(url, maxSec=86400, agent='Firefox') items = re.compile('

').findall(html) if len(items) == 0 and fallback: return recommendKey(keyword, RECOMMENDAUTO) count = 0 infolabels = {} for item in items: imdb = item[0] name = item[1] thumbnail = BLANK fanart = FANART if grabber: infolabels = getMeta(grabber, '', 'movie', year=None, imdb=imdb) thumbnail = infolabels['cover_url'] fanart = infolabels['fanart'] try: outline = utils.RemoveTags(item[2]).strip() if grabber else None if outline: if ('plot' not in infolabels) or (not infolabels['plot']): infolabels['plot'] = outline if SYNOPSRECOMMEND: name += ' - [I]%s[/I]' % utils.unescape(utils.fix(infolabels['plot'])) menu = getMovieMenu(infolabels) getHistoryItem(menu, name, thumbnail, fanart, infolabels, False) label, count = utils.addPrefixToLabel(count, name) addDir(label, _diamondSEARCH, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=name, imdb=imdb, infolabels=infolabels, totalItems=len(items)) except: pass return count def recommendKey(keyword, autoRecommend): grabber = getMetaGrabber() url = 'http://m.imdb.com/find?q=%s' % urllib.quote(keyword) html = quicknet.getURL(url, maxSec=86400, agent='Apple-iPhone/') items = re.compile('
').findall(html) infolabels = {} index = 0 for item in items: imdb = item[0] name = item[1] if autoRecommend: autoRecommend = hasIMDBRecommendations(imdb) if 'video game' in item[2].lower(): continue label = name + ' ' + item[2].strip() thumbnail = BLANK fanart = FANART if grabber: infolabels = getMeta(grabber, name, 'movie', year=None, imdb=imdb) thumbnail = infolabels['cover_url'] fanart = infolabels['fanart'] if SYNOPSRECOMMEND: if ('plot' in infolabels) and (infolabels['plot']): label += ' - [I]%s[/I]' % utils.unescape(infolabels ['plot']) menu = getMovieMenu(infolabels) getHistoryItem(menu, name, thumbnail, fanart, infolabels, False) label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label) if autoRecommend: autoRecommend = False addDir(label, _RECOMMEND_KEY_A, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=name, infolabels=infolabels) if recommendIMDB(imdb, keyword, fallback=False) > 0: return else: addDir(label, _diamondSEARCH, thumbnail=thumbnail, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=name, imdb=imdb, infolabels=infolabels, totalItems=len(items)) def editSearchTerm(_keyword): keyword = utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30057), _keyword) if (not keyword) or len(keyword) < 1: keyword = _keyword winID = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() cmd = 'ActivateWindow(%d,"%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s")' % (winID, sys.argv[0], _diamondSEARCH, urllib.quote_plus(keyword)) activateWindowCommand(cmd) def externalSearch(): xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1])) keyword = '' kb = xbmc.Keyboard(keyword, GETTEXT(30054)) kb.doModal() if kb.isConfirmed(): keyword = kb.getText() cmd = '%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s' % (sys.argv[0], _diamondSEARCH, urllib.quote_plus(keyword)) xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Container.Refresh(%s)' % cmd) def iHistoryBrowse(): items = history.browse() items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[0].lower()) index = 0 for item in items: label = item[0] thumb = item[1] fanart = favourite.getFanart(item[2]) meta = favourite.getOption(item[2], 'meta') menu = [] menu.append((GETTEXT(30165) % label, 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&name=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _HISTORYREMOVE, urllib.quote_plus(label)))) infolabels = utils.convertURLToDict(meta) if not 'plot' in infolabels: infolabels['plot'] = GETTEXT(30200) % label text, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label) addDir(text, _diamondSEARCH, thumbnail=thumb, isFolder=True, fanart=fanart, keyword=label, menu=menu, infolabels=infolabels) return False def iHistoryAdd(keyword, image, fanart, meta): return history.add(keyword, image, fanart, meta) def iHistoryRemove(name): return history.remove(name) def iPlay(): #add browse item #addDir(GETTEXT(30148), _PLAYLISTBROWSE, thumbnail='DefaultMusicPlaylists.png', isFolder=False) import playlist nItems = 0 folder = os.path.join(ROOT, 'PL') sfile.makedirs(folder) #parse SF folder nItems += addPlaylistItems(playlist.parseFolder(folder), 'DefaultMusicVideos.png', delete=True) #parse SF list file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) playlists = favourite.getFavourites(file, validate=False) items = [] for plist in playlists: name = plist[0] thumb = plist[1] cmd = plist[2] items.append([cmd, name, thumb]) nItems += addPlaylistItems(items, delete=True) #parse Kodi folders folder = 'special://profile/playlists' nItems += addPlaylistItems(playlist.parseFolder(os.path.join(folder, 'video')), 'DefaultMovies.png', delete=ALLOW_PLAYLIST_DELETE) nItems += addPlaylistItems(playlist.parseFolder(os.path.join(folder, 'music')), 'DefaultMusicSongs.png', delete=ALLOW_PLAYLIST_DELETE) nItems += addPlaylistItems(playlist.parseFolder(os.path.join(folder, 'mixed')), 'DefaultMusicVideos.png', delete=ALLOW_PLAYLIST_DELETE) return nItems > 0 def addPlaylistItems(items, thumbnail='DefaultMovies.png', delete=False): for item in items: path = item[0] title = item[1] if len(item) > 2: thumbnail = item[2] menu = [] #browse cmd = '%s?mode=%d' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAYLISTBROWSE) #menu.append((GETTEXT(30148), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % cmd)) menu.append((GETTEXT(30148), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % cmd)) #browse for URL cmd = '%s?mode=%d' % (sys.argv[0], _URLPLAYLIST) #menu.append((GETTEXT(30153), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % cmd)) menu.append((GETTEXT(30153), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % cmd)) #menu.append((GETTEXT(30084), 'XBMC.PlayMedia(%s)' % path)) menu.append((GETTEXT(30084), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&cmd=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAYLIST, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) if delete: menu.append((GETTEXT(30150), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _DELETEPLAYLIST, urllib.quote_plus(path)))) menu.append((GETTEXT(30047), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&label=%s&thumb=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF, urllib.quote_plus(path), urllib.quote_plus(title), urllib.quote_plus(thumbnail)))) addDir(title, _PLAYLISTFILE, path=path, thumbnail=thumbnail, menu=menu) return len(items) def iPlaylistDelete(path): #delete from SF list of Playlists folder = os.path.join(ROOT, 'PL') file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) playlists = favourite.getFavourites(file, validate=False) updated = [] for playlist in playlists: if playlist[2] != path: updated.append(playlist) if len(updated) < len(playlists): favourite.writeFavourites(file, updated) return True if sfile.exists(path): utils.DeleteFile(path) return True return False def iPlaylistItem(path, title='', thumb='DefaultMovies.png'): #if currently in program menu play directly if xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() == 10001: liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(title, iconImage=thumb, thumbnailImage=thumb) pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) pl.clear() pl.add(path, liz) xbmc.Player().play(pl) return item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=path) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) def iPlaylistURL(url): try: html = quicknet.getURL(url, maxSec=600, tidy=False) except: html = '' nItems = addItems(html.split('\n')) if nItems == 0: utils.DialogOK(GETTEXT(30155), url) return False return True def iPlaylistFile(path): if not sfile.exists(path): return iPlaylistURL(path) playlist = sfile.readlines(path) return addItems(playlist) def addItems(playList): import playlist items = playlist.parse(playList) nItem = len(items) for item in items: menu = [] title = item[0] path = item[1] isAudio = title.lower().endswith('.mp3') if isAudio: title = title.replace('.mp3', '') thumb = ICON #'DefaultAudio.png' else: thumb = ICON #'DefaultFile.png' title = utils.unescape(title).strip() menu.append((GETTEXT(30047), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s&label=%s&thumb=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF_ITEM, urllib.quote_plus(path), urllib.quote_plus(title), urllib.quote_plus(thumb)))) isPlayable = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() != 10001 addDir(title, _PLAYLISTITEM, path=path, thumbnail=thumb, isFolder=False, menu=menu, totalItems=nItem, isPlayable=isPlayable) return nItem > 0 def iPlaylistURLBrowse(): valid = False text = 'http://' while not valid: text = utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30153), text) if not text: return False if text == 'http://': return try: html = quicknet.getURL(text, maxSec=0, tidy=False) except: html = '' import playlist items = playlist.parse(html.split('\n')) valid = len(items) > 0 if not valid: utils.DialogOK(GETTEXT(30155), text) name = utils.GetText(GETTEXT(30156)) if not name: return False if COPY_PLAYLISTS: name += '.m3u' file = os.path.join(ROOT, 'PL', name) f = sfile.file(file, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() return True cmd = text thumb = 'DefaultFile.png' addPlaylistToSF(name, cmd, thumb) return True def iPlaylistBrowse(): import playlist playlist = playlist.getPlaylist() if not playlist: return False folder = os.path.join(ROOT, 'PL') sfile.makedirs(folder) if COPY_PLAYLISTS: try: import shutil shutil.copy(playlist , folder) return True except: return False name = playlist.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] cmd = playlist thumb = 'DefaultMovies.png' return addPlaylistToSF(name, cmd, thumb) def addPlaylistToSF(name, cmd, thumb): folder = os.path.join(ROOT, 'PL') sfile.makedirs(folder) file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) cmd = utils.convertToHome(cmd) if favourite.findFave(file, cmd)[0]: return False playlist = [name, thumb, cmd] playlists = favourite.getFavourites(file, validate=False) playlists.append(playlist) favourite.writeFavourites(file, playlists) return True def copyPlayToSF(cmd, title, thumb, playMedia): folder = utils.GetFolder(title) if not folder: return copy = ['', '', ''] copy[0] = title copy[1] = thumb if playMedia: copy[2] = 'PlayMedia("%s")' % path else: copy[2] = 'ActivateWindow(10025,"%s",return)' % cmd file = os.path.join(folder, FILENAME) favourite.copyFave(file, copy) def shortenText(text, length): text = utils.fix(text) text = text.strip() if len(text) <= length: return text short = '' for c in text: short += c if len(short) == length: break short += '...' return short def getHistoryItem(menu, keyword, image, fanart, meta, refresh): #NOTE the SF@V is to workaround a bug in XBMC where the string is erroneously converted to lowercase when the menu item triggers refresh = 'true' if refresh else 'false' historyItem = None if SHOWIHISTORY and not history.contains(keyword): label = GETTEXT(30164) % shortenText(keyword, 10) historyItem = (label, 'RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s&meta=%s&image=%s&fanart=%s&refresh=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _HISTORYADD, urllib.quote_plus(keyword), urllib.quote_plus(utils.convertDictToURL(meta)), urllib.quote_plus(image), urllib.quote_plus(fanart), refresh)) menu.append(historyItem) return historyItem def diamondSearch(keyword='', image=SEARCH, fanart=FANART, imdb='', meta={}): if len(keyword) < 0: kb = xbmc.Keyboard(keyword, GETTEXT(30054)) kb.doModal() if kb.isConfirmed(): keyword = kb.getText() if len(keyword) < 1: keyword = ISEARCH_EMPTY if len(keyword) > -1: mode = _diamondSEARCH cmd = '%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s&image=%s&fanart=%s' % (sys.argv[0], mode, urllib.quote_plus(keyword), image, fanart) xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % cmd) return if len(keyword) < 0: return if keyword == ISEARCH_EMPTY: keyword = '' if not SHOW_FANART: fanart = BLANK keyword = keyword.split(' - [I]', 1)[0] if keyword.startswith('tt'): #assume IMDB number url = 'http://m.imdb.com/title/%s/' % keyword html = quicknet.getURL(url) try: keyword = re.compile(' 0: imdb = imdb.replace('/?', '') infolabels = getMeta(grabber, '', 'movie', year=None, imdb=imdb) getMovieMenu(infolabels, menu) else: infolabels = meta historyItem = getHistoryItem(menu, keyword, image, fanart, infolabels, True) addDir(GETTEXT(30066) % keyword.strip(), _EDITTERM, thumbnail=image, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=keyword, imdb=imdb, infolabels=infolabels) #reset menu menu = [] menu.append(editItem) if historyItem: menu.append(historyItem) addSeparatorItem(menu) index = 0 if SHOWIHISTORY and history.exists(): #reset menu menu = [] menu.append(editItem) if historyItem: menu.append(historyItem) label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, GETTEXT(30163)) addDir(label, _HISTORYSHOW, thumbnail=SEARCH, isFolder=True, menu=menu, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30201)}) if SHOWRECOMMEND and len(keyword) > 0: #reset menu menu = [] menu.append(editItem) if historyItem: menu.append(historyItem) getMovieMenu(infolabels, menu) label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, GETTEXT(30088)) if len(imdb) > 0: addDir(label, _RECOMMEND_IMDB, thumbnail=image, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=keyword, imdb=imdb, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30202) % (keyword, imdb.replace('/?', ''))}) elif RECOMMENDAUTO: addDir(label, _RECOMMEND_KEY, thumbnail=image, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=keyword, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30215) % keyword}) else: addDir(label, _RECOMMEND_KEY, thumbnail=image, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fanart, keyword=keyword, infolabels={'plot':GETTEXT(30205) % keyword}) keyword = urllib.quote_plus(keyword.replace('&', '')) file = os.path.join(ROOT, 'S', FILENAME) faves = favourite.getFavourites(file, diamondSearch=True) if len(faves) == 0: #try shipped search file file = os.path.join(HOME, 'resources', 'search', FILENAME) faves = favourite.getFavourites(file) if ALPHA_SORT: faves = sorted(faves, key=lambda x: utils.CleanForSort(x)) for fave in faves: label = fave[0] thumb = fave[1] cmd = fave[2] cmd = cmd.replace('[%SF%]', keyword) cmd = cmd.replace('[%SF+%]', keyword.replace('+', '%2b')) fan = fanart if SHOW_FANART: fan = favourite.getFanart(cmd) if len(fan) == 0: fan = fanart menu = [] menu.append((GETTEXT(30103), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&file=%s&cmd=%s&name=%s&thumb=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _EDITSEARCH, urllib.quote_plus(file), urllib.quote_plus(cmd), urllib.quote_plus(label), urllib.quote_plus(thumb)))) menu.append(editItem) if historyItem: menu.append(historyItem) #special fix for GlobalSearch, use local launcher (globalsearch.py) to bypass keyboard cmd = cmd.replace('script.globalsearch', os.path.join(HOME, 'globalsearch.py')) infolabel = {'plot':GETTEXT(30206) % (label, urllib.unquote_plus(keyword))} label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label) addDir(label, _ACTIVATESEARCH, cmd=cmd, thumbnail=thumb, isFolder=True, menu=menu, fanart=fan, keyword=keyword, infolabels=infolabel) return True def playCommand(originalCmd): player.playCommand(originalCmd, contentMode) def playCommandFromHome(cmd, name): try: cmd = re.compile('"(.+?)"').search(cmd).group(1) cmd = favourite.removeSFOptions(cmd) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage='', thumbnailImage='') liz.setPath(cmd) import xbmcplugin xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) except: pass def activateWindowCommand(cmd): player.activateWindowCommand(cmd) def addArtwork(setting, thumbnail, fanart): if setting == 0: return '' if setting == 1: return thumbnail if setting == 2: return fanart return '' def addDir(label, mode, index=-1, path = '', cmd = '', thumbnail='', isFolder=True, menu=None, fanart=FANART, keyword='', imdb='', infolabels={}, totalItems=0, isPlayable=False): global separator u = sys.argv[0] u += '?label=' try: u += urllib.quote_plus(label) except: label = utils.fix(label) u += urllib.quote_plus(label) u += '&mode=' + str(mode) if index > -1: u += '&index=' + str(index) if len(path) > 0: u += '&path=' + urllib.quote_plus(path) if len(cmd) > 0: u += '&cmd=' + urllib.quote_plus(cmd) if len(keyword) > 0: u += '&keyword=' + urllib.quote_plus(keyword) if not imdb: try: imdb = infolabels['imdbnumber'] except: imdb = '' if len(imdb) > 0: u += '&imdb=' + urllib.quote_plus(imdb) if len(thumbnail) > 0: u += '&image=' + urllib.quote_plus(thumbnail) if len(fanart) > 0: u += '&fanart=' + urllib.quote_plus(fanart) if CONTENTMODE: u += '&contentMode=true' u += '&content_type=' + urllib.quote_plus(launchMode) if not menu: menu = [] if len(thumbnail) == 0: thumbnail = BLANK label = label.replace(''', '\'') #sanity check on empty [COLOR] block if label.startswith('[COLOR ]'): label = label.split('[COLOR ]', 1)[-1] if label.endswith('[/COLOR]'): label = label.rsplit('[/COLOR]', 1)[0] liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(label, iconImage=thumbnail, thumbnailImage=thumbnail) if isPlayable: liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') if infolabels and len(infolabels) > 0: liz.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=infolabels) if len(fanart) == 0: fanart = FANART if fanart != BLANK and SHOW_FANART: liz.setProperty('Fanart_Image', fanart) if hasattr(liz, 'setArt'): art = {} art['landscape'] = addArtwork(ART_LANDSCAPE, thumbnail, fanart) art['banner'] = addArtwork(ART_BANNER, thumbnail, fanart) art['poster'] = addArtwork(ART_POSTER, thumbnail, fanart) art['thumb'] = thumbnail art['fanart'] = fanart if len(art) > 0: liz.setArt(art) #this property can be accessed in a skin via: $INFO[ListItem.Property(diamond_Favourites_Folder)] #or in Python via: xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.Property(diamond_Favourites_Folder)') liz.setProperty('diamond_Favourites_Folder', removeNumeric(theFolder)) #special case if mode == _XBMC: menu.append((GETTEXT(30043), 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s?mode=%d&path=%s)' % (sys.argv[0], _THUMBFOLDER, urllib.quote_plus(PROFILE)))) ignoreFave = False if mode == _NEWFOLDER: ignoreFave = True elif (mode == _EDITTERM) or (mode == _ACTIVATESEARCH): ignoreFave = len(keyword) == 0 addGlobalMenuItem(menu, cmd, ignoreFave, label, thumbnail, u, keyword, fanart, infolabels) if separator: addSeparatorItem() global nItem _menu = menu menu = [] for m in _menu: menu.append((m[0], m[1].replace('/?', '/?index=%d&' % nItem))) nItem += 1 liz.addContextMenuItems(menu, replaceItems=True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=u, listitem=liz, isFolder=isFolder, totalItems=totalItems) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- params = utils.get_params(sys.argv[2]) doRefresh = False doEnd = True cacheToDisc = False handle = int(sys.argv[1]) theFolder = '' thepath = '' try: mode = int(params['mode']) except: mode = _MAIN try: cmd = params['cmd'] except: cmd = None #---------------------------------------------------------------- if mode == _ACTIVATEWINDOW: #if cmd is a SF cmd then pull out params from cmd and use them inSF = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.FolderName') == TITLE isSF = 'plugin://%s' % ADDONID in cmd if inSF and isSF: cmd = re.compile('"(.+?)"').search(cmd).group(1) params = utils.get_params(cmd) try: mode = int(params['mode']) except: mode = _MAIN try: cmd = params['cmd'] except: cmd = None #---------------------------------------------------------------- global itemIndex try: itemIndex = int(params['index']) except: itemIndex = -1 try: file = params['file'] except: file = None try: path = params['path'] except: path = None try: name = params['name'] except: name = '' try: label = params['label'] except: label = '' try: folder = params['folder'] except: folder = '' try: content = params['content'] except: content = '' try: contentMode = params['contentMode'].lower() == 'true' except: contentMode = False #which menu was SF launched from try: launchMode = params['content_type'] except: launchMode = '' contentType = CONTENTTYPE #convert visible (in settings) string to a string that Kodi recognises if contentType in CONTENTTYPES: contentType = CONTENTTYPES[contentType] else: contentType = '' if len(content) > 0: mode = _IGNORE folder = content try: path = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Skin.String(%s.Path)' % folder) if len(path) > 0: folder = '' plugin = re.compile('.+?"(.+?)"').search(path).group(1) prams = get_params(plugin) try: folder = prams['folder'] except: pass if len(folder) == 0: mode = _FOLDER path = PROFILE except Exception, e: pass SHOWNEW = False SHOWXBMC = False SHOWSEP = False CONTENTMODE = True if len(folder) > 0: if mode == _MAIN: mode = _FOLDER path = os.path.join(PROFILE, folder) isHome = False try: if cmd.startswith('HOME:'): cmd = cmd.split(':', 1)[-1] isHome = True except: pass utils.log('------------------ Launch Parameters ------------------') utils.log(sys.argv[2]) utils.log(sys.argv) utils.log('mode = %d' % mode) utils.log('cmd = %s' % cmd) utils.log('folder = %s' % folder) utils.log('params = %s' % params) utils.log('launchMode = %s' % launchMode) utils.log('contentType = %s' % contentType) utils.log('viewType = %s' % VIEWTYPE) utils.log('isHome = %s' % str(isHome)) utils.log('itemIndex = %s' % str(itemIndex)) utils.log('ident = %s' % str(handle)) utils.log('-------------------------------------------------------') if mode == _PLAYMEDIA: if not contentMode: mode = _IGNORE if isHome: playCommandFromHome(cmd, label) else: playCommand(cmd) elif mode == _ACTIVATEWINDOW: if not contentMode and not isHome: mode = _IGNORE doEnd = False playCommand(cmd) elif mode == _ACTIVATEWINDOW_XBMC: mode = _IGNORE import playlist if PLAY_PLAYLISTS and playlist.isPlaylist(cmd): playCommand(cmd) #Container.Update removes current item from history to stop looping update = '%s' % (sys.argv[0]) update = 'Container.Update(%s,replace)' % update xbmc.executebuiltin(update) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialog)') #Isengard fix xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(Home)') else: script = os.path.join(HOME, 'cmdLauncher.py') cmd = 'AlarmClock(%s,RunScript(%s,%s),%d,True)' % ('SF_CMDLAUNCHER', script, cmd, 0) xbmc.executebuiltin(cmd) elif mode == _PLAYLIST: import playlist playlist.play(cmd) if mode == _ACTIVATESEARCH: doEnd = False playCommand(cmd) elif mode == _XBMC: showXBMCFolder() xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update') elif mode == _FOLDER: thepath = path theFolder = label import locking if locking.unlock(thepath): if mode != _MAIN: addNewFolderItem(thepath) parseFolder(thepath) else: pass #Reset to main somehow!!! elif mode == _REMOVEFOLDER: doRefresh = removeFolder(path) elif mode == _RENAMEFOLDER: doRefresh = renameFolder(path) elif mode == _EDITFOLDER: import locking if locking.unlock(path): doRefresh = editFolder(path, name) elif mode == _EDITFAVE: try: thumb = params['thumb'] except: thumb = 'null' doRefresh = editFave(file, cmd, name, thumb) elif mode == _EDITSEARCH: try: thumb = params['thumb'] except: thumb = 'null' doRefresh = editSearch(file, cmd, name, thumb) elif mode == _NEWFOLDER: doRefresh = createNewFolder(path) elif mode == _CUT: import clipboard doRefresh = clipboard.cutCopy(file, cmd, cut=True) elif mode == _COPY: import clipboard doRefresh = clipboard.cutCopy(file, cmd, cut=False) elif mode == _PASTE: import clipboard try: folder = params['paste'] except: folder doRefresh = clipboard.paste(folder) elif mode == _CUTFOLDER: import clipboard doRefresh = clipboard.cutCopyFolder(path, cut=True) elif mode == _COPYFOLDER: import clipboard doRefresh = clipboard.cutCopyFolder(path, cut=False) elif mode == _PASTEFOLDER: import clipboard try: folder = params['paste'] except: folder doRefresh = clipboard.pasteFolder(folder, sys.argv[0]) elif mode == _REMOVEFAVE: doRefresh = removeFave(file, cmd) elif mode == _RENAMEFAVE: doRefresh = renameFave(file, cmd) elif mode == _ADDTOXBMC: thumb = params['thumb'] keyword = params['keyword'] addToXBMC(name, thumb, cmd, keyword) elif mode == _ADDTOSF: thumb = params['thumb'] keyword = params['keyword'] meta = params['meta'] addToSF(name, thumb, cmd, keyword, meta) elif mode == _COPYTOSF: thumb = params['thumb'] fanart = params['fanart'] try: meta = utils.convertURLToDict(urllib.quote_plus(params['meta'])) except: meta = {} try: desc = meta['plot'] except: desc = '' import clipboard clipboard.setPasteProperties(thumb, fanart, desc, name, cmd, meta) elif mode == _THUMBFAVE: doRefresh = thumbFave(file, cmd) elif mode == _THUMBFOLDER: doRefresh = thumbFolder(path) elif mode == _PLAYBACKMODE: doRefresh = changePlaybackMode(file, cmd) elif mode == _SETTINGS: try : addonID = params['addon'] utils.openSettings(addonID) except: utils.openSettings(ADDONID) doRefresh = True elif mode == _SEPARATOR: pass elif mode == _EXTSEARCH: externalSearch() elif mode == _diamondSEARCH: try: keyword = params['keyword'] except: keyword = '' try: imdb = params['imdb'] except: imdb = '' try: image = params['image'] except: image = BLANK try: fanart = params['fanart'] except: fanart = BLANK try: meta = utils.convertURLToDict(urllib.quote_plus(params['meta'])) except: meta = {} diamondSearch(keyword, image, fanart, imdb, meta) if len(imdb) > 0: contentType = 'movies' elif mode == _EDITTERM: try: keyword = params['keyword'] except: keyword = '' editSearchTerm(keyword) cacheToDisc=True xbmc.sleep(250) doEnd = False elif mode == _SECURE: import locking doRefresh = locking.add(path, name) elif mode == _UNSECURE: import locking doRefresh = locking.remove(path, name) elif mode == _IMPORT: import importer importer.doImport() #doRefresh = True elif mode == _RECOMMEND_KEY or mode == _RECOMMEND_KEY_A: try: keyword = params['keyword'] except: keyword = '' cacheToDisc = True doEnd = True contentType = 'movies' if mode == _RECOMMEND_KEY: recommendKey(keyword, RECOMMENDAUTO) else: recommendKey(keyword, False) elif mode == _RECOMMEND_IMDB: try: imdb = params['imdb'] except: imdb = '' try: keyword = params['keyword'] except: keyword = '' try: if ADDON.getSetting('CACHERECOMMEND') != 'true': callback = params['callback'] cacheToDisc = True doEnd = True contentType = 'movies' recommendIMDB(imdb, keyword) except Exception, e: winID = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() cmd = '%s?mode=%d&keyword=%s&imdb=%s&callback=%s' % (sys.argv[0], _RECOMMEND_IMDB, urllib.quote_plus(keyword), urllib.quote_plus(imdb), 'callback') xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh(%s)' % cmd) cacheToDisc = False doEnd = False elif mode == _PLAYTRAILER: import yt if not yt.PlayVideo(path): utils.DialogOK(GETTEXT(30092)) elif mode == _IPLAY: iPlay() elif mode == _PLAYLISTFILE: iPlaylistFile(path) elif mode == _PLAYLISTITEM: try: image = params['image'] except: image = BLANK iPlaylistItem(path, label, image) elif mode == _PLAYLISTBROWSE: doRefresh = iPlaylistBrowse() elif mode == _DELETEPLAYLIST: doRefresh = iPlaylistDelete(path) elif mode == _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF: doRefresh = False thumb = params['thumb'] copyPlayToSF(path, label, thumb, playMedia=False) elif mode == _COPY_PLAY_TO_SF_ITEM: doRefresh = False thumb = params['thumb'] copyPlayToSF(path, label, thumb, playMedia=True) elif mode == _URLPLAYLIST: doRefresh = iPlaylistURLBrowse() elif mode == _HISTORYSHOW: doRefresh = iHistoryBrowse() elif mode == _HISTORYADD: try: keyword = params['keyword'] except: keyword = '' try: image = params['image'] except: image = BLANK try: fanart = params['fanart'] except: fanart = FANART try: meta = params['meta'] except: meta = '' #image = image.replace('SF@V', '/') #fanart = fanart.replace('SF@V', '/') doRefresh = iHistoryAdd(keyword, image, fanart, meta) elif mode == _HISTORYREMOVE: doRefresh = iHistoryRemove(name) elif mode == _MANUAL: doRefresh = manualAdd(path) elif mode == _VIEWTYPE: doRefresh = setViewType() elif mode == _IEXPLORE: cacheToDisc = True iExplore(path) elif mode == _PLAY_FILE: playFile(path) elif mode == _PLAY_FOLDER: playFolder(path) elif mode == _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER_EXT: playdiamondFolder(path, id=-1) #now remove this item from history to prevent looping cmd = 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s?mode=%d,replace)' % (sys.argv[0], _MAIN) xbmc.executebuiltin(cmd) doEnd = True elif mode == _PLAY_diamond_FOLDER: playdiamondFolder(path, id=int(sys.argv[1])) elif mode == _MAIN: main() else: #do nothing nItem = 1 #make sure at least 1 line is showing to allow context menu to be displayed if nItem < 1: if mode == _IPLAY: menu = [] #browse cmd = '%s?mode=%d' % (sys.argv[0], _PLAYLISTBROWSE) menu.append((GETTEXT(30148), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % cmd)) #browse for URL cmd = '%s?mode=%d' % (sys.argv[0], _URLPLAYLIST) menu.append((GETTEXT(30153), 'XBMC.Container.Update(%s)' % cmd)) addDir('', _SEPARATOR, thumbnail=BLANK, isFolder=False, menu=menu) else: addDir('', _SEPARATOR, thumbnail=BLANK, isFolder=False) parentItem = xbmc.getCondVisibility('system.getbool(filelists.showparentdiritems)') == 1 if doRefresh: refresh() if parentItem and itemIndex > -1: itemIndex += 1 import selector selector.select(itemIndex) if doEnd: if len(contentType) > 0: xbmcplugin.setContent(handle, contentType) if handle > -1: xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('SF_NMR_ITEMS', str(nItem if not parentItem else nItem+1)) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle, cacheToDisc=cacheToDisc) if VIEWTYPE > 0: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%d)' % VIEWTYPE) if mode == _PLAYMEDIA: xbmc.sleep(250) playCommand(cmd) elif mode == _ACTIVATEWINDOW: if len(launchMode) == 0: script = os.path.join(HOME, 'cmdLauncher.py') cmd = 'AlarmClock(%s,RunScript(%s,%s),%d,True)' % ('SF_CMDLAUNCHER', script, cmd.replace('"', ''), 0) xbmc.executebuiltin(cmd) else: xbmc.sleep(250) playCommand(cmd)